News & Articles

Protect Your Pet with a Pet Trust!

While many people are concerned about the care and well-being of their pets after they pass away, most estates do not adequately address these issues. When you cannot take care of your pet, for any reason, during your life or after your death, it is truly important to...

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Are you over 55?Take Action NOW!

May is “Elder Law Month”. The National Association of Elder Law Attorneys (NAELA) is sponsoring a nation wide effort to urge people to take action now to obtain the following essential estate planning documents: Will, Financial Power of Attorney, Health Care Power of...

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ABLE Accounts- Saving for Disabled Persons

The ABLE act- Achieving a Better Life Experience Act- passed Congress this December and was signed into law. Louisiana had previously passed a similar bill which was to become effective when the federal government approved its version. The Act, passed with bi-partisan...

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Misplaced, missing and lost documents

My office receives calls every week from former clients or their family members who have lost or misplaced their wills, powers of attorney, living wills and other important documents. When I prepare these documents for clients, the client is given the original...

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Selecting an Executor

Many people automatically select their spouse or oldest child as executor of their will. The job of the executor is an important one and although some spouses and adult children handle the job competently, you should consider the duties of the executor and their...

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Continuing Tutorship in Louisiana

Louisiana has a provision called “continuing tutorship” which allows a parent of a child who is age 15 to 18 to petition the court to be named the child's guardian and that guardianship does not end at age 18. However, there are significant problems with this...

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But I got it Notarized!

Notaries are important for our society and there are many things a notary can do. However, there seems to be a lot of confusion about what “notarization” does for a document. A notary signature, seal and stamp is only proof of the validity of the signatures of the...

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Small Succession Procedure

Louisiana does have a provision for an out of court "small succession" but it has several requirements that do not apply to most estates. There can be no will or only a will which has been probated in another state, the heirs are the children, parents and/or brothers...

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